Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Happy Independence Day

A day late according to Pope Gregory XIII, but Happy 4th to my fellow estadosunidensias. To celebrate I like to read our independence documents. It may not be more patriotic than blowing off my own hand with a Chinese Firehouse Firework to commemorate all the fallen soldiers of our nation, but I enjoy reading the documents to remind myself of the origins of our nation, of the freedom´s which our constitution, our Declaration of Independence were written to guarantee us. Reading these works always make me curious if the founding father´s would be appalled at the prolifieration of apathy demonstrated in our nation throughout the recent era of criminal government. Apart from my own feelings about the current administration and type of government under which we live, however, reading the documents always inspires me to remember the importance of discovering and maintaining freedom and independece throughout the world and throughout all lifetimes. To me, freedom to live out one´s own life undictated by the politics, ethics, or interests of another is not a rightist, leftist, or centralist matter, but instead a matter of guaranteeing human dignity. Happy fourth to you all! Much Love on one of my favorite holidays.

Anarchism is founded on the observation that since few men are wise enough to rule themselves, even fewer are wise enough to rule others.
- Edward Abbey


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